Here is my Bullet Journal setup for March 2019. I am still using the Leuchtturm 1917 I started in October.
Cover Page
I have drawn a large calendar month in the centre of the page with a small section of purple, using a Tombow brush pen, around the corners. Underneath I have hand-drawn a large daffodil. I think I might go back and colour this in. I still need to work on my handwriting and I am not really happy with the way that the title turned out.

Monthly Page
Continued with my usual monthly page. Not a lot happening in March yet. I do have a few appointments like my daughter’s next ophthalmology visit. I also need to start getting my life organised ready for going back to work this summer.

Habit Tracker
I have gone back to my previous habit tracker page. I need to try and stay on top of this. I typically end the month with at least a week empty (a day here and there over the month).

Weekly Page
Following on with the same theme for my weekly pages as both January and February. I have gone for purple highlighting around the days this month. I have found the Blog Stats section has helped to keep me motivated. It means I am able to know my numbers. I have also started to put little Post-it notes on each day. These are colour coded for different things. I am trying to better myself and do something everyday.
Light pink are blog post ideas.
Green are learning days (some blog related, some work related).
Dark pink are podcasts.
Purple are days when I will do images, headers and pins etc. for my blog.
The advantage of having them on Post-it notes means that I can move them onto the following week if need be. As a parent I can sometimes have to change things at the last minute, For example if my son is off from school sick.

Pin THIs