Baby led weaning is when you let baby feed themselves from the beginning when you start supplementing their diet. When you start feeding at six months your baby is developmentally ready to start feeding themselves proper food. By this age your baby has developed enough to both reach for and grab food, and are able to co-ordinate their tongue to eat it.
It isn’t Christmas without a Chocolate Yule Log. Follow my recipe for the most Decadent and Rich Yule Log you have eaten. The whole recipe takes minutes to make and once chilled is ready to eat.
Scrumptious Mince Pies with buttery melt-in-the-mouth pastry. Easy to make. A delicious Christmas treat. Can be made all year round. My Husband loves mince pies and I will regularly mix up a batch of these in the middle of summer. Look out for jars of mincemeat on sale in January, will last a long time if unopened.
My children just love doing jigsaws. They are the best gifts for children with enquiring minds. Both of my older two will spend hours sitting at the dining table doing and redoing jigsaws. As they get more proficient they are able to manage with less help from me.
Here is a list of some of the Best Jigsaws for 2-4 year olds. I have found them so you don’t have to spend time searching, and can spend more time actually doing them.
From common breastfeeding problems such as mastitis or a blocked milk duct to common colds and headaches. You may also be in pain post delivery if you have had stitches or if you have had a caesarian section. There are many reasons why you might want to take painkillers whilst your breastfeeding. Here are some commonly asked questions and their answers.