Do you want a stress-free school run?

Follow my five easy steps to make your life easier and less stressful.

Get uniform ready

Get all school uniform that is required  ready the night before. Including underpants/knickers, socks and shoes. I put mine on top of the kids drawers in their bedroom. In the morning this then saves time finding what is needed.

Put things in the car

Put school bags and coats in the car ready for the morning. If there are any forms to be returned or money to take in put this on the driver’s seat (hidden under something if required). That way when you go to sit down you have to move it first and it will helps you to remember.

Pre-make lunch and do homework

Make lunchboxes up the night before and put in the fridge ready. Just make sure you don’t forget to collect it the next morning. I tend to put the lunch box on a shelf at eye height so that I see it in the morning when getting milk for my cup of tea. I get it out when I see it and put it by the front door.

Do homework in the evening, after tea and before bed. Then put in bags ready for the next day.

Get up before the kids

Get up half an hour to an hour before the kids wake. This means that you can get yourself breakfast and a brew before you start with getting dressed, toileting, breakfast, etc. Making time for yourself can help you feel less stressed in general and gets the day off to a good start.

Quick Breakfast

Try to have a breakfast for the children that doesn’t take much preparation. For example, cereal, croissants, yoghurt and fruit. This helps save time and as the children get older they can sort this out for themselves.

My routine

My routine encompasses all of the above. I wake at 5:30 and then sort out the baby and get her dressed before waking the other two (if the one year old hasn’t already woken her brother). We get dressed quickly as we are pre-organised from the night before. Then we have breakfast and the older two can sit and watch TV before leaving the house at 8:10. Our mornings and school run are relatively stress free.

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